Paytm mall customer care number and details If you are searching for the contact details i.e paytm customer care number and paytm mall customer care details then you are on right place. As we will give you the contact details that are actually provided by paytm officially. If you are also interested in searching for a Paytm kyc center nearby you then you can checkout the article : Paytm Kyc center near me Paytm Customer Care numbers: Bank wallets and Payments : 0120-4456-456 This paytm customer care number is for your wallets and payments queries. For example if you want to change your wallet password, change the passcode, trouble logging into your paytm account then you can call on this number and get a solution to your problems. Movies and Events Tickets : 0120-4728-728 This Paytm customer care number is used for any queries related to the Movie tickets, Events tickets and Amusement Park tickets. For example- if you have can...