" How to make a website for free?"-well this question arrives in mind of every next guy who is searching internet and has little or no knowledge of computer languages. As when I was in school I dreamt of making one website by myself. For that purpose I tried various links like " Make website in 5 min" or "make your website quickly" but these searches on internet were of no use as I ended up with nothing. It was all after that when I joined engineering and got into some real programming that I learned how the websites are made and become live on internet. So, if you are also a beginner in the world of programming languages and wanna know about the websites then you are on right place as I will try to explain all of you like beginners. So, guys lets get started with the website stuff. To make a website firstly you need the knowledge of following languages to make your website: client side/front-end languages server side/back-end languag...