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Showing posts from June, 2018

how to make a website in php free??

" How to make a website for free?"-well this question arrives in mind of every next guy who is searching internet and has little or no knowledge of computer languages. As when I was in school I  dreamt of making one website by myself. For that purpose I tried various links like " Make website in 5 min" or "make your website quickly" but these searches on internet were of no use as I ended up with nothing. It was all after that when I joined engineering and got into some real programming that I learned how the websites are made and become live on internet. So, if you are also a beginner in the world of programming languages and wanna know about the websites then you are on right place as I will try to explain all of you like beginners. So, guys lets get started with the website stuff. To make a website firstly you need the knowledge of following languages to make your website: client side/front-end languages server side/back-end languag

hair loss

Well, a warm welcome to all the readers. If you don't know I wanna tell you that all the blogs that I write are mainly from my experience. Hair loss is a very big problem these days. Most of the people are experiencing this problem these days. Even the young people are facing this and are desperate enough to find the solution to solve this. Well, if that so you came to the right place as we will discuss everything about hair loss. I will not go too deep into science behind all the reasons but yeah will try to explain in easy way. POSSIBLE REASONS OF HAIR LOSS: Pollution : It is one of the major causes of the hair loss that all we are facing these days. As when we step out of our homes/offices there is so much dirt present in the atmosphere that affects our hair health. Harmful gases coming out of the exhausts of the vehicle damages your hair a lot. (Image source via: GIPHY) Not eating balanced diet : A balanced diet is very important for our body. We ne

fitness at home!!

Well this is a question whose answer everybody is searching for these days. Don't you think so ? I know everybody is so much busy in their respective works. I can totally understand as I am also experiencing this situation now a days. So that's why it become so much important that you workout and achieve fitness at certain level so that you can keep yourself healthy and moving and can achieve self goals without any interruption of sick day. Well, yeah we all know sometimes one sick day can cost you so big at your work. In this article I m not saying fitness like six pack ab fitness or building big muscles and look like a bodybuilder. Well, if you thinking about that fitness then its a no no from me as I will not explain that because for that kind of fitness there are so big experts present on social media whom you can follow. I will talk about normal fitness I mean fitness that may not build you big muscles but yeah you will definitely feel more fit and light and most

retail vs wholesale in grocery business

Merely in 4-5 months I got to know the difference between wholesale and retail in grocery business. So mainly my journey from engineering class to a retail store started when I had to sit on our family retail store of groceries due to some free time after the completion of degree and before finding a job. Retail definition:- Retail business mainly deals with selling goods to the customers directly. As the customer can visit the store and choose the product to buy and can pay the owner of the store for that product. Wholesale definition:- In contrast to retail business, wholesale business deals with selling goods to the retailers and big box stores in bulk rather than to the customers. They purchase from the manufacturers directly in bulk amount so they manage to get the products in lower price. Profit margin:- The margin is usually low in wholesale business as they sell the goods in bulk rather than to customers. Two terms I came across while in retail business